Process for Tactical Marketing Execution

We will outline exactly how we work with your team to execute on your campaigns so you get the most out of your onboarding experience.

Will Allred
Written by Will AllredLast update 5 years ago

Tactic Specific Impacts

Your strategy is only going to be as good as it’s execution. Together we plan to unearth what is possible for your brand when we start with a deeper understanding of your customers. Below is an outline of the creation process and where Sorter can help.

Creation Process

Congrats! You’ve made it through the education portion of our onboarding!

At least in the theoretical- with practice, the learning never stops (nor should it). As we leave our strategy session you may be feeling:

    • Overwhelmed

    • Exhilarated

    • Skeptical

    • Ready to roll

While this symptom checker may prove an effective evaluation of our process, our goal is to make the transition from learning to practicing seamless, educational, and optimal for proving value for your brand.

Priority’s, Goals, KPIs

Step one for the initial creation phase is to pinpoint our prioritized efforts. It’s easy to just light the fuse and see what happens. You might strike gold, but more often than not you’ll find a scattershot effort will leave you scrambling resources.

Take thirty steps in one direction. Don’t take one step in thirty directions.

Remember: Our mission isn’t to make your brand more potent- that’s just a side effect. We want the digital world that surrounds all consumers to be in alignment with how their brain works. You, as a neuromarketer, have a power tool set at your disposal- use it like the resource it is.

Let’s set the right intentions and the right strategic guidelines from the beginning so we can maximize the utilization of our platform. We want to help you connect with consumers on their terms, but we also want to ensure you see the value. 

What activities are going to prove the best returns for your business? There are a number of ways to think through this:

  • What can we execute on fastest?

Mentality: We have 90 days to prove value. What can we take aim at that will drive a boon to metrics in the short term? 

  • Your team's capacity, capabilities, processes, and technology systems

Mentality: What is going to be the most feasible way to prove value? How exactly is the team going to get value out of this experience? Can the team do/ does the team have the capacity to do what is needed to get value from this experience?

  • Sorter’s team’s capacity, capabilities, processes, and technology systems

Mentality: Similar to the view of your own team’s capacity and capabilities. What are the skills of the Sorter team, and how can they help us as we navigate this process? 

  • What is critical to your short term and long term success?

Mentality: Let’s think beyond a pilot- how do we bake Sorter into our efforts to be customer-centric? What could personality tell us about the entire customer experience? Where can we leverage this understanding of the customer to build a better brand? 

  • What is going to be most impactful to your customer base?

Mentality: We’re already thinking customer first. How can we optimize how we’re meeting their needs? This is a very similar to the strategic thinking of the proposed mentality above. 

With priorities set what are we planning on accomplishing? Lets set the goal.

  • What’s the destination 5 years down the line?

  • What do we need to accomplish in the next year to get you on track for year 5?

Long term goals are a byproduct of a bunch of smaller steps, so what can we prove in the next 90 days to show we’re on track? You can't meet a goal if you don't measure progress.

KPIs (Key performance indicators)

  • These indicators should provide objective proof that we are nearing our longer-term vision

  • It’s easy to be ensnared in short term metrics (which we should track) but also ensure that we don’t lose sight of the big picture.

CELs (Check engine lights)

  • These indicators should serve as the canaries in the proverbial coal mine, so we can pull our heads out of the tunnel and look back at the big picture for guidance.

The Creative Brief(s)

With priorities, goals, and metrics set- we can start to build the framework for your team (copywriters, designers, etc.) to execute against.

A creative brief is a great starting point to provide the right constraints and guidelines that allow marketers to do what they do best- be creative. It provides a shared mental model for everyone on the team to stay in sync. Our goal is to take the guesswork out of your team's creative briefs.

Creative without strategy is called 'art'. Creative with strategy is called 'advertising'. — Jef I. Richards

We will provide the brief and then help your team iterate on the first versions produced. This provides a great learning opportunity to put the education into action. For more information on how our creative briefs are structured check out our creative briefs page.

Guidance, Dirty Hands, Iterations and Testing

With your first pieces of copy and creative built, Sorter will work with you to figure out the best ways to put these campaigns into motion. 

We say “dirty hands” because we know sometimes the best way to get something done is to do it yourself. I don’t say that to be discouraging- it’s our promise to ensure we get to value quickly… sometimes we have to jump into the arena. Our mission is bold and if we want to get there together, we have to have skin in the game. 

Iteration and testing require partnership. Through our guidance, we will challenge your brand to stretch beyond what has been comfortable. We will always defer to your judgment on what is and what isn’t within branding guidelines. 

For more information on how we will iterate and test, please refer to our guide on how we practice agile weekly check-ins.     

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