What is Your Brand's Personality?

Understanding how to think about your own brand and the personality it portrays and attracts.

Will Allred
Written by Will AllredLast update 5 years ago

Ask yourself: Is your brand ubiquitous to personalities, or is your product/service really meant for a particular psychographic?

Fill out the following form, and we can start to help get to know your brand and assess your brand's personality:


When we look at our onboarding process, it’s great that we get to teach you about neuromarketing. We are also learning from your brand.

Everything your brand puts out into the market has elements of digital neuromarketing to it.

  • Your copy

  • Your creative

  • Your social media posts

  • Even the look and feel of your products

Your brand lives at the intersection of touch points you have with your audience and how your audience perceives them. In reality, your brand as you perceive it is part of its personality.

Your brand's personality is what has given it life. It's partly responsible for the customers you've acquired and kept. It's also responsible for the talented people you've been able to attract and hire.

By dissecting what you’re doing and how well it’s being received by individuals in your audience, we can get an understanding of your brand's personality. This informs our strategic planning sessions within our onboarding and our understandings of what to recommend for your brand. This will also become the basis for improving our models.

Our survey is only one step of the brand audit process. You’re giving us a good scope to start with from the survey. It helps us gather the basics to understand your brand.

To go deeper, we want to know what’s working for your brand. This is more than just a survey and a larger part of our onboarding process. As we build out tools to automate this data collection to improve our models for you- it will be more about granting permissions. 

For now, we'd like to have your blessing to work with you and dive into the back end of your marketing automation systems to crunch the numbers. The quantitative figures can come from you, but we'd like to match this information with the ins and outs of what you're putting into the market.

This allows us to build recommendations suited to your needs.

Before you jump into our survey, please take a chance to look at this helpful guide for understanding your brand's values. This will help prime your brain to think about the elements of your brand that we can tune and target for individuals psyche. 

Brand Values

What do people value about your brand?

Often times there are value points for your brand that either fit a particular cognition preference or could be tweaked to fit a particular cognition preference. The goal with these values is to craft tactical campaigns around them and ensure we are targeting those to the right brain. 

You'll likely find these values feel similar to your companies mission, who your product effects, what it does, and how it works. For this exercise, we'd like you to categorize your brand values along the following lines.


  • Give me the facts- what are the numbers than make you so great? 

  • What is something concrete that I can get from your goods/services?


  • What is the mission of the company?

  • What narrative am I helping by joining the story?


  • Who is impacted by your goods or services?

  • How does this add to my own self-narrative?


  • Is this going to be easy?

  • Is there something about how your good/service works that makes you more valuable/ cheaper/ easier/ better than your competitors?

That same thought process needs to be used in the survey. We will also start to pull those same thoughts out from our own analysis. The link to the survey can be found below:

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